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Nearly two a long time before this, in 1808, Supreme Court Advocate on returning to Chandigarh right after visiting his estates experienced involuntarily located himself in a major place amid the Chandigarh Supreme Court Advocates .

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The appellants were prosecuted under the Ordinance for offences alleged to have been committed on June 27 and 28, 1957. 24,809 ",as disallowed by all the authorities below was that the expenditure was not actually incurred in the year of account, it was by no means certain what the actual cost would be when the developments "-are carried out and that there was as yet no accrued liability but only a contingent liability undertaken by the appellant, even though the undertaking was incorporated in the deeds of sale themselves.

They contended (1) that the Ordinance violated Art. What it did was to order the company in order that identity of the workmen to be reinstated might be established to give a general notice on its notice-board notifying the strikers to come and join their duties on a fixed date and to reinstate whichever striker applied within the time allowed. This is the effect of Section 6 of the General Clauses Act, 1897. Section 5 of the Constitution Act was repealed on November 17, 1951.

Against some serial numbers there were neither names nor ticket numbers. 3 which may be jointly tried under the Code of Criminal Procedure, a special Judge trying the offence under s. The Third Parties Rights 171 Against Insurers Act, 1930, created a system of statutory subrogation in such cases. Where, however, on the facts and circumstances of the case an implied request by the creditor to send the cheque by post can be spelt out, the Post Office would be constituted the agent of the addressee for the purposes of receiving such payment.

" The main ground on which the claim of the appellant for deducting this sum of Rs. -This appeal by special leave raises a question of some nicety and of considerable importance in the matter of industrial relations in this country. Section 3 provides that whoever is an enemy agent or, with intent to aid the enemy, does or attempts or conspires with any other person to do any act which is designed or likely to give assistance to the military or air operations of the enemy or to impede the military or air operations of Indian forces or His Highness' forces or the forces of any Indian State or to endanger life or is guilty of incendiarism shall be liable to various punishments.

Between March 1884, and March, 1885, goods were supplied by Madame Phillippe to Mrs. Applying the above principles to the case at hand, we are of the view that the provisions of Section 149 of the IPC are no longer available to the prosecution for convicting the appellants whose number is reduced to 4 consequent upon the acquittal of the remaining accused persons. 32 of the Constitution is filed by the Mineral Development Limited against the State of Bihar and another for the issue of a writ of certiorari to quash the order of the Government of Bihar dated September 7, 1955, cancelling the petitioner's licence and for the issue of a writ of mandamus directing them to forbear from giving effect to the said order of cancellation.

The conviction of the appellant depended on the evidence of the approver and the circumstantial evidence which corroborated him in connecting or tending or connect the appellant with the murder of the deceased Sibapada Hati. 2 (k) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (hereinafter referred to as the Act). Commissioner of Income-tax, Bihar an ordinary creditor and would not receive complete satisfaction for his decree.

-This petition under Art. The question is the true scope and effect of the definition clause in s. The authority in support of this proposition is to be found in Norman v. 14 of the Constitution of India, (ii) that the Ruler had no legislative competence to issue the Ordinance as it dealt with defence, (iii) that S- 5 of the 681 J. It is a case which, in our opinion, falls more appropriately in situation three where the prosecution had named all those constituting the unlawful assembly, but, only four of those named were eventually convicted, thereby reducing the number to less than five.

In spite of this, the Industrial Tribunal ordered reinstatement without specifying who were to be reinstated; it really 157 did not know who were the persons to be reinstated. The Judgment of the Supreme Court India lawyers, was delivered by SUBBA RAO J. 3 shall be triable under this Ordinance and that where any other offence is committed along with an offence under s. The facts of the case at hand are not covered by situations one and two referred to in Mohan Singhs case (supra). " That system brings into credit what is due, immediately it becomes legally due and before it is actually received and it brings into debit expenditure the amount for which a legal liability has been incurred before it is actually disbursed.

3 shall also try the other offence in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Ordinance. A right which had accrued and had become vested continued to be capable of being enforced notwithstanding the repeal of the statute under which that right accrued unless the repealing statute took away such right expressly or by necessary implication. The question has arisen in the following circumstances. Constitution Act having been repealed the Ordinance came to an end, (iv) that the Ordinance had lapsed as the emergency on account of which it was issued had ceased, and (v) that the Ordinance was void as it was inconsistent with the Emergency Provisions in Part XVIII of the Constitution of India.

In that case Madame Phillippe, one of the plaintiffs, carried on business as a milliner in Bondstreet, and one of her customers was the defendant, Mrs. Section 4 provides that any offence punishable under s.
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